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Energy Dashboard Graph Logic

Relevant PR's:

Relevant Files

  • Reference this file for a list of which variables mean which energy types (like how accumulated_real corresponds to Electricity (Power))
  • Reference this file for information on meter classes as they are defined in the MySQL database (mapping meter class ID numbers to the meter class names)
  • src/store/chart_modifiers/line_bar/avg_accumulated_real.js
    • For electricity (accumulated_real)
    • Single graph pages of kilowatt crackdown campaign - current data
  • src/store/chart_modifiers/line_bar/energy_change.js
    • For solar (energy_change)
    • Single graph pages of kilowatt crackdown campaign - current data
  • src/store/chart_modifiers/avg_accumulated_real.js
    • Baseline data for kilowatt crackdown campaign
  • src/store/chart_modifiers/line_bar/baseline_perc.js
    • Covers baseline data for leaderboard / individual building graph
  • Refer to the PR's section above for specific code lines for debugging and logs