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NodeJS Updating

  • Recurring Task: NodeJS version needs to be updated periodically. You may have to resolve dependency conflicts in package.json (among other things) to ensure compatibility
  • Frequency: Depends on the release schedule of NodeJS, AWS Lambda, and Github Actions, as seen below. About once a year can be expected

AWS Lambda NodeJS Schedule

    • This chart shows when each NodeJS version will be deprecated
      • Phase 1: Can no longer create new AWS lambda functions (cannot add a new API endpoint, for instance. Cannot create a new serverless project / feature on that NodeJS version). Existing functions can be updated still.
      • Phase 2: Can no longer create nor update AWS lambda functions. ~ 1 month after Phase 1

General NodeJS Schedule

Github Actions NodeJS Schedule

Checking Current NodeJS Versions

  • On the backend, look in backend/template.yaml (or something like that), this controls the NodeJS version used for the backend (AWS Lambda)
    • Go to AWS Console > Lambda > Functions to double check which NodeJS versions are currently used in backend
  • On the frontend, look in the .github/workflows folder for configuring nodeJS version (every Github Actions YML file except the API-deploy workflow, as backend nodejs version is handled by backend/template.yaml as explained above)

Version Specific Changes

What Breaks from NodeJS 12 to 16

What Breaks from NodeJS 16 to 18

What will Break from NodeJS 18 to 19+

  • I don't know. Topic for future research
  • If in doubt, search the error message in Github and StackOverflow